Monday, July 30, 2012

Full Body Shot

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

"The Mousetrap" Photo

And The Reviews Are in!
"Susan L. Stepputtis is superb as Mrs. Boyle, a retired magistrate imperiously passing judgment on those she perceives to be beneath her.  This 60th Diamond Anniversary Brooke Hills Playhouse production of Agatha Christie's classic is as close to flawless as a community theater production can be.  I give it my highest recommendation for all but the youngest family members."  

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Random Acts--The Movie

Susan appears as a mourner at a funeral in Flyover Films and Route 40 Films movie production, "Random Acts", along with principal actors Kevin Sizemore, Claudia Esposito, Barrett Carnahan, Emily Capehart and Siomha Kenny.